Turn Any Photo into AI Artwork

Generate AI photos based on your images. Upload a photo and add a prompt. AI will mix your photo outlines and the description to make a unique picture.

Turn Any Photo into AI Artwork

Try These Example Prompts:

Bronze Statue AI Photo Filter
Pet to Greek Statue AI Photo Effect
Golden Statue AI Photo Effect
Golden Statue Realistic AI Filter
Old Statue AI Photo Filter
Human to Sand Figure Photo Effect
Pet to Ice Sculpture Photo Effect
Frozen Snow Figure AI Filter
Frozen Queen AI Photo Filter
Ice Sculpture AI Photo Effect
Retro Cartoon Photo Filter
Retro Pin Up Cartoon Poster Effect
Retro Cartoon Photo Effect
GTA Gangster Wife Photo Effect
GTA Illustration Photo Effect
3D Character Photo Filter

How it Works

Transform any photo into stunning AI artwork. Whether you're looking to create something fun or enhance your creative project, Pincel can help you visualise anything

Upload Your Image

Click or drop to upload your chosen image. It can be a photo of a person, animal, landscape, object or even a business logo.

Craft Your Prompt

Visualise the final look you want and describe it in the prompt box. The better your description, the better the AI can interpret your vision. For extra help, Pincel AI can suggest prompts based on your image.

Generating and Downloading

Hit the 'Generate' button. The AI will blend your input into a unique creation. After the image is generated, you can download or regenerate with a new prompt.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this AI photo generation tool work?

What kind of photos can I upload?

What is the difference between Canny Map and Image-to-Image AI photo generation?

How important is the prompt I provide to the AI?

I used a photo of a person and the face does not look right?

Why is it taking so long to generate an image?

How can I generate a new version of an image?

What are there limits to image size or format for input and output?

How long does it take to generate an image?

Can I use the generated images for commercial purposes?

I am not getting the desired results, can you help?

Smart and easy image editing by @ramos_pincel